”Omniphobic, optically clear, ultrasmooth amorphic microglazing – non-stick, anti-graffiti, anti-fingerprint, anti-scratch, anti-corrosion, antiviral, antibacterial, antimicrobial, ESD, AST, highly resistant to chemicals, heat and UV radiation, gas impermeable, low friction, fluorine free and environmentally friendly room temperature curing coating for objects of any size.”
This breathtaking phrase sums up the versatile properties of our TFC microglazing made with Advanced TFC-technology. TFC microglazing is a very modern and innovative coating solution for professional use. TFC microglazing is a safe (does not contain PFAS compounds) and environmentally friendly product that contains natural minerals, such as quartz, and will not bioaccumulate.
No matter if you need only one of these features or require all of them, we offer various options from standard products to full-fledged product development projects. We also provide additives based on Advanced TFC-technology for coating manufacturers.